Repeat this process with each hole in succession and you will be playing the chromatic scale 每一个孔连续性的重复这个步骤,而且你将会演奏出半音。
But suddenly a storm came on , chromatic scales and chords with the diminishing sevenths could be heard in the orchestra , and they all ran off , dragging one of the performers again behind the scenes , and the curtain dropped . again a fearful uproar of applause arose among the spectators , and all began screaming with rapturous faces 但是忽然刮起了一阵暴风,管弦乐队中响起了半音音阶和降低的七度音和弦,大家都奔跑起来,又把在场的一人拖到了后台,幕落了,观众之间又出现了可怕的喧嚣声和噼啪声,大家的脸上都带着洋洋得意的神情,开始呼喊起来。
a 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave